Back to homepageWhich countries run on 100% renewable energy?
While many countries struggle to transition to renewable energy, some have made the leap. So which countries use only renewable energy?
Read MoreWhat Americans actually think about energy and the climate
There is a wealth of information to be explored in the modern era, and there’s no shortage of new ideas or contrary viewpoints to be discovered. With all of this information right at our fingertips, it is assumed that many
Read MoreFour of the world’s biggest cities are taking an unprecedented step to battle pollution
Some of the biggest urban-pollution headlines of the past few years haven’t come from likely suspects like Beijing and New Delhi, but rather once-pristine European cities: Paris. Athens. Madrid. Now those three capitals, plus notoriously polluted Mexico City, are taking
Read MoreOil from BP spill has officially entered the food chain
Researchers in Louisiana have found carbon from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the feathers and digestive tracts of seaside sparrows, proving for the first time that oil from the disastrous 2010 spill has entered the food chain. The
Read MoreShell helps turn Gravity into light to increase energy access in Kenya
Shell is continuing to highlight how global collaboration is important in the development of more and cleaner energy solutions by bringing to life another smart idea. The company is working with an innovative energy start-up GravityLight to help provide residents
Read MoreTrump, Putin, and ExxonMobil team up to destroy the planet
The aligning interests between Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s choice for U.S. president (Donald Trump), and Big Oil represents the gravest threat to humanity (and democracy) since the rise of the Axis powers in the 1930s. That’s because while Trump
Read MoreA power of good? Smart energy technology explained
Smart technology allows companies and households to use energy more efficiently, reducing the need to build more power stations, some of which burn polluting fossil fuels such as coal or gas. Some of these technologies are more advanced than others
Read MoreThe alternative energy sources of the future
Despite the hype around the progress of renewable energy, solar and wind have only made a tiny dent in the energy mix thus far. The good news is that costs are coming down and many people are starting to adopt
Read MoreEvery University wants to be seen to be ‘acting green’, but how many are sincerely willing to put in the work?
As the global climate justice movement continues to grow and grow with an increasingly exciting energy, it manifests at its loudest, most colourful, creative, and radical on university campuses across the UK and the world. With a fresh wave of
Read MoreIrena sees islands at a turning point with environmental and economic arguments for renewables won
In an interview with Greening the Islands, Emanuele Taibi, Islands Energy Transition Analyst at Irena, gives us an update on the adoption of renewable energy on islands worldwide, from policy frameworks to technologies. The International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), with
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