Half of all power plants built in 2014 were green

Humans must drastically curb carbon emissions in the coming decades or face environmental catastrophe, as temperatures are expected to climb by the end of the century to levels that scientists predict would radically alter the earth’s climate. Luckily, the transition

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Gates steals the show at COP21 opening with billions for renewables and research

By our special correspondent Eric J. Lyman (@EricJLyman) PARIS – Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates used the high-profile opening of the Paris climate summit to unveil plans for a coalition of private investors, governments, and research institutions to

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The Carbon Footprint of Cop21

Will the carbon footprint of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (Cop21) be calculated? The Unfccc secretariat has increasingly made such estimates over recent years for each conference and with increasing precision. We have not yet estimated the carbon

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Clinton promises “enough clean energy to power every home in America”

If elected president, Democrat Hillary Clinton says she can create enough green energy to power every home in America by the end of her second term. “By the end of my first term, we will have installed a half a

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Could renewable energy be a way out of crisis for Italy, Greece and Spain?

New research from Greece, Italy, and Spain has shown renewable energy has huge potential in the Mediterranean region – and could also boost economies and create thousands of jobs. The studies look at a raft of possibilities to decarbonise while

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Rockefeller Fund: ‘The oil age is coming to an end’

Stephen Heintz, president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, explains to DW how it makes perfect sense that a fund which got rich on oil is now divesting from fossil fuels. With its announcement to pull out of oil and coal, the

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Food giants shoot for 100% renewable energy target

Unilever and Mars were among the first household names in the food and drink industry to announce plans for a 100% shift to renewable energy. But few of them have a specific deadline, while some still heavily rely on biomass,

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What Is Cop21?

At the end of November over 190 nations will gather in Paris to discuss a new global agreement on climate change. The talks are called ‘Cop21’ which stands for the 21st annual Conference of the Parties. But what does all

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How renewables and innovation are taking Germany “beyond” nuclear

Hinkley Point, in western England, will be the first nuclear power plant to be built in Europe since the meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima reactor in 2011. But while the British government sees nuclear energy as a safe and reliable source

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Apple to go 100% solar in Singapore

Apple Computer, the world’s largest technology company, will begin using solar power to run all of its facilities in Singapore from next year, in line with its target to use only renewable energy at its properties worldwide. The United States-based

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